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The Most AWESOME Interview I’ve Ever Done – With Captain Australia
December 7, 2009 at 9:17 pm

{ 28 comments… read them below or add one }

Cath October 23, 2009 at 2:03 am

Hi Captain Australia,

I think the font is a fraction too small on your website, I have good eyesight but I kind of have to lean in to read. I think your vids are really funny :-)


Captain Australia October 23, 2009 at 3:02 am

Thank you, Citizen, you make a good point: I will remedy this now.
Captain Australia


Grim October 23, 2009 at 5:52 am

Mate – you are an absolute dickhead posting such a comment on Jessica Watsons site.
I suggest you give yourself a good slapping.


Captain Australia October 23, 2009 at 5:57 am

I understand your concern, Citizen. But the simple fact of the matter is that she should be cautious. If nobody takes a moment to pass a word of warning, and everybody just fills her vision with flowers and puppies, she may not be alert to danger, if danger presents itself. I stand by my comment, it was meant well – with honest concern.
Captain Australia


Grim October 23, 2009 at 7:07 am

Mmmmm, ok. Fortunately Jessicas course keeps her well distanced from those Somalian pirates and far from those Indonesian pirates as she plans to travel south of Australia on her return. Perhaps I over reacted to your comment – but Jess is a very young girl as we know and I am sure her security at sea is a issue in the back of her mind. As Jess reads those blogs, I think it is not apt to create unnecesary worry. I, too, have thought she is in a very vulnerable position, but she has appropiate communication gear but the issue of course by the time we went to her location – who knows.


Captain Australia October 23, 2009 at 7:14 am

I think that is the very essence of faith – to cast yourself out into the great unknown, aware that you are facing dangers, but following your vision anyway. It’s impossible not to respect that choice, to knowingly follow your dream despite naysayers and doomcriers.
In a way, I’m trying to do the same thing. I didnt mean to be a naysayer, I just hope she keeps her eyes open and wind in her sails.


Grim October 23, 2009 at 7:24 am

Sorry Mate – I thought you were just a humiliation site taking the piss.
I myself have not achieved anything near what this girl is attempting, but we all have climbed mountains one way or another. Naysayers or Doomers – such fun to rub salt in thier wound.



Captain Australia October 23, 2009 at 7:30 am

No problem, Citizen.
And no need to apologise. You’re completely entitled to express your view, and should be applauded that you rally to defend a young hero like Jessica.
(In fact, thinking about it, my comment probably was dickheadish, but sincerely my intent was to congratulate & caution her)
You see, it’s in my nature to worry about things that I cannot change.
But thankfully it’s also in my nature to change the things I can (so I’ve gone back to her site and apologised if I was thoughtless, and again salute her faith & courage)
Thanks for calling me out on it.


Grim October 23, 2009 at 7:39 am

You are a Hero afterall,
I am yet to check out your site – guess I am in for a chuckle. I am so young in mind but in my forties which I can’t accept – love my work and keeeping up with the young store blokes – they think I’m ok (i shock them often with my comments)


Grim October 23, 2009 at 7:44 am

Sorry that made no sense – too many VB’s, Just saying that Jess is an inspration, compared to others her age. But others wouldn’t have the opportunity.


Captain Australia October 23, 2009 at 8:20 am

I agree, in our cynical world there are many who might try to poo-poo it, but the simple fact is that chasing a dream is inspirational.
Enjoy the VB, and have one on me, I envy you: I’m going to be working hard on my fitness for the next month or so, so no beer for me.
Captain Australia and no beer..
.. that’s like Superman with no cape, right ?


Grim October 24, 2009 at 9:57 am

Don’t make me feel guilty – but to leap them tall buildings I guess you must be fit, so as such an obliging bloke I am will contemplate a double consumptipon. Givin it a whirl as we speak – Cheers


Grim October 24, 2009 at 10:03 am

Crikey I write crazy stuff that I understand but you probably wondered what I meant.
VB is my friend – haha


Captain Australia October 24, 2009 at 10:41 am

I’m acquainted with VB as well, although we havent spent time together in a few years. On leaping tall buildings: of course I don’t have any super powers (beer fueled or otherwise). If I have to climb a building, I’ll use the stairs (although a grapple-gun would be great: but having researched it, theyre just not practically viable).


D.D. October 25, 2009 at 1:11 pm

You call yourself a super-hero? No, no, no… you seem more like a 7 day fitness junkie who drinks VB Come every cricket game. And why Captain Australia? You’re not even a reflection of Australian society…. Show me that you’re getting in there and fighting real crime ‘Captain Australia’ – Maybe then, you’ll get the recognition you deserve.

Oh one last thing before i go,

How far are you willing to go?

Death Dealer (Victorian RLSH – Representative of the Turbine Army – Australia’s BEST Super Hero Team)


Captain Australia October 25, 2009 at 3:47 pm

Thank you for your comment, Citizen.
I never called myself a “Superhero”, just a Hero.
In terms of overall importance, fighting crime is about one-third of what I do. It’s important because it will help people (the victims) on a personal level, but it’s more important because of the social example it will make: basically demonstrating to people that we should individually seek a higher level of moral excellence.
You see, my over-all mission is to fight EVIL, and that’s more than just criminality. Evil wears many masks. (I wonder, if it would choose a name like “Death Dealer”).
Evil is apathy, evil is deceit, evil is selfishness and taking.
As to how far I am willing to go: I will face whatever lies ahead with courage and dignity. That’s all I know.
If you’re asking whether I will take a human life to protect others: I simply don’t know until I face that situation.
Good day,
Captain Australia


D.D. October 25, 2009 at 4:25 pm

You’re correct in calling me Citizen (A Citizen understands the need of people like us) Mr. Australia, but I’m yet to witness your heroic acts, i want videos, pictures, people telling of your victories in the community. My Team and I, are currently involved in many activities, such as covert operations, as well as technological and scientific work, to help us create new tools and upgrades for our vehicles to help us further in the field. We DO fight crime Mr. Australia. I connect with the victims on a personal level too, and sometimes my display of emotion and caring, gets in the way of how i perform. We share common ground, to fight EVIL… but who is truly evil? Who is it that we share as common foes? Maybe we should touch base together to share details of what kind of evil we’re fighting. Sick of the small game to be honest, I’m always looking for something a little more edgy and rough… the next thrill for the big game… this is all we do… we’re the last resort of society, where the police and justice system fail, we’re the next line, and without us, society would collapse. Thats why things such as the Keene act wouldn’t work in real society, as we need to be protected also. I am not evil Captain Australia, but unlike yourself, it seems i’m out there, watching, waiting, the envoy of justice, the guardian of peace… I’m the one, the only, Death Dealer.

As for taking human life, i neither have needed to come to that, but to deal great pain to subdue the evil forces, unfortunate, but it has to happen, or we can never win this unrelenting war on crime.

Death Dealer.


Captain Australia October 25, 2009 at 6:52 pm

Good Morning, Citizen
Thank you again for your comments, certainly food for thought.
For my own part, when I see evil, I feel sorrow & pity. I stand against it, and will defy it with my last breath: but it is always in the hope of redemption, of making the world a better place.
There’s good and evil in all of us – you cannot destroy it with a weapon, you can only cure it with compassion, strength, dignity, and holding yourself to a higher moral authority.
I will fight crime, and if I must, I will use my martial training: but I certainly won’t get enjoyment or thrill from it. Honestly – you sound like a crackpot, and your comments touch more on enjoying power than combatting evil.
I hope to inspire you, as I become more active in the community, and start to make a meaningful difference.
But first I have to tend to my own back yard, get my health and my head straight, get powerful again.
Your friend,
Captain Australia


Deemo Diablo December 13, 2009 at 9:28 pm

Good day Captain Australia! I would like to let you know, your message has reached me in Texas, USA. I admire your heroism, sir. The world needs more people like you. I believe a large problem in today’s society is ignorance. Education is a powerful tool. Perhaps you could offer citizens a bit of education. It seems you are already on the right track with enlightening others about criminals being yellow-bellied cowards. But what about other aspects, like finding yourself in the middle of an armed robbery, winding up in a bad part of town, or even bullies at school? Personally, I have a concealed handgun license, a handgun, and the respect, maturity, education and training to use my weapon effectively and responsibly. But what about places where handguns are illegal for common citizens, but still possessed by outlaws? Or people who are either afraid of or unable to purchase one? What are their options? I understand your tactics of leading by example but some people need to be taken by the hand and shown exactly how the horse eats the hay. Thanks again!


Captain Australia December 14, 2009 at 2:27 am

Many thanks for your comment, Citizen. I am still grappling with the most effective way to tackle my mission to fight evil, and I will definitely think about your suggestion. I do think teaching is a powerful and important part of my purpose.
Your friend,
Captain Australia


Deemo Diablo December 15, 2009 at 5:56 pm

Niccolo Machiavelli made a good point in his book “The Prince” when he said (I’ll paraphrase this) “You take the weak, and make them strong. You take the powerful and make them weak.” That way you have loyal followers who are grateful for their new-found power (knowledge in this case) and by making the powerful weak (taking the edge away from criminals) you would be off to a good start. Now, you’re not overthrowing a regime, but similarly you are overthrowing evil. And if you look at like I do, “evil” is a regime. It’s a contagious disease of the flesh that is communicable through many vehicles.

As a side note, you must realize that right and wrong vary from person to person. It’s a matter of perspective. By realizing what type of “evil” you want to battle, then a plan can be more effectively laid out. I speculate that the “evils” you are going after are greed and apathy. A tough battle admit. One would need an army. Start there I would suggest, but pick your sidekicks wisely. As the old saying goes: “Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.” While not true in every circumstance. They are wise words to keep in mind.

Best wishes!


Captain Australia December 16, 2009 at 1:37 am

Thank you for this astute and articulate comment, friend.
Of the evils that I would fight, greed and apathy about sums it up.
All of the crimes that I can think of stem from greed: taking something that someone else has – their wallet when you rob them, their dignity when you rape them, their hope when you exploit them.
And in a way, apathy is worse – to stand by and knowingly allow evil is to become an accomplice of the worst sort: one who does not care.
I will think very deeply on your comment, Citizen, thank you.
Your friend,
Captain Australia


Captain Australia December 19, 2009 at 6:11 pm

I’ve been having an email dialogue with a Citizen who left me this lovely comment. It kind of sums up what I’m trying to do, to trigger this ripple effect of courage & kindness to fight back against evil and apathy, so I thought I’d excerpt it here (with her permission):

“If more people had the courage to stand up against apathy and the small evils that people inflict upon each other, one person at a time, what a wonderful world it would be! I am a fan and my kids will be excited to see their special message directly from you. You are my favorite hero. In your honor, I am going to work to treat people with kindness and a smile and try make a positive impact on people around me one day and one person at a time. You are inspiring.”


Goody December 20, 2009 at 2:38 am

hey mate love your work, disregard non believers. oh yeah hows that bloke talking about trash, mate it is UNaustralian not to drink vb watching the cricket shame on you. anyway jus want to contribute. keep it up stay strong stay classy


Runebringer January 3, 2010 at 5:26 pm

Hello Captain Australia,
I am Runebringer. I am an Empowerment Activist and Real Life Superhero. My mission is to help people improve themselves and their world. The example I try to set is that anyone can make make a difference. One of the pages on my own website is dedicated providing information and links to resources visitors can use to help make the world better. (You can check it out here: ) I thought a page like this on your site is something you might wish to consider.



Captain Australia January 4, 2010 at 3:47 am

Hello Citizen Goody: Thank you very much for your support, appreciate your comment very much.

Hello Runebringer
Thank you for your message, I am surprised and curious to find that there are other people out there who share my Mission. I will read about your Runes with real interest.
If I can help you in any way, don’t hesitate.
Your friend,
Captain Australia


Runebringer January 4, 2010 at 1:55 pm

Oh, yes, there are quite a few of us out in the world. We have a forum, , that we use to communicate and network with each other. Come by for a visit. Join if you like.
- Runebringer


Captain Australia January 4, 2010 at 3:12 pm

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