~ The hero is one who kindles a great light in the world, who sets up blazing torches in the dark streets of life for men to see by. ~ Felix Adler

by Captain Australia on May 13, 2010

Captain Australia’s Crime Fighting Journal, Entry#60

Stern CaptainI am Captain Australia.

I am on a Quest to Save the World.

Why ?

Look around you, look hard and look deep.  Open your eyes and see it.  The darkness.  The cruelty.  The selfishness.  The vapid evil.

Look in the media, look at the stories of the day:

Man arrested over suspicious device (bomb) in his car.

Body of mother found slain by multiple stabbings.

Gang mugs old man during morning walk.

There are little atrocities all around us, and worse, we are infected by an apathy and lack of trust that comes from seeing the world around us slowly decline, and feeling that nobody cares and there is nothing we can do about it.

We have somehow become liars.  We do not trust one another.  We do not trust our elected officials.  We do not trust our elders to teach our children for fear that they will sexually assault them.  And we share one common lie:  that everything is OK.

Why do we no longer pursue moral excellence ?  Why are the scales so far out of balance ?  Is there any hope for humanity ?

Yes.  Yes, there is.  You are beautiful.  You have the potential to be good, kind, amazing, decent, loving, true.  You have the potential to spread your goodness to other people, like a seed that blossoms into a wonderful flower.

But the scales are out of balance.  We need extreme examples to shake us out of the apathy that shields us and allows us to get through our day-to-day lives.

I will be that example.  I will champion goodness and virtue.  I know that some will hate me for it, may even kill me for it.  But I love you too much to turn my back on you.  If you need my help:  I am here.

I am Captain Australia.

I regret to announce that my friends at the Burgerz fast food store in Kings Cross were forced to shut down their business.  Unfortunately, I have to maintain my secret identity, which means that I couldnt immediately return to help them, but had to wait a few weeks before I could be in Sydney again.

Those weeks were all they had left.  I failed to help them save their business.

I will go down to the Cross again and intensively patrol on the evening of 20 May.  I will surveil local organised crime, and catalogue the low level dealers, enforcers, spotters.   I will do what I can to interfere with their cancerous trade.  I will do my best to document my actions, and share them with you here in my online journal.

I hope that you will see my efforts for what they are:  a genuine attempt to fight the growing darkness.

For those who missed it: http://www.captainaustralia.net/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/Telegraph-Article-25-April-2010.pdf

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Ryan May 15, 2010 at 12:55 pm

Great job on losing the weight mate! You look way better.


Captain Australia May 15, 2010 at 6:03 pm

Thank you, Citizen.
I am not all the way to my goal yet, to be at peak fitness I need to lose roughly another five kilos (factoring in muscle that I’ve gained during the process). Of course, my greatest muscle is the muscle in which all men take the most pride … my courage.
It takes hard work and commitment to turn a weight problem around – if anybody out there needs my free help or advice, just make contact.
Thank you again for your words of encouragement.
Your friend
Captain Australia


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