How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. ~Anne Frank

by Captain Australia on December 2, 2009

Captain Australia’s Crime Fighting Journal, Entry#34

Captain Australia Theme Song

I’ll start by apologising that I haven’t created a Journal entry regarding the weekend schoolies patrol yet.  I don’t want to compromise my secret identity by giving any details – but trust me, my work and home life schedules have been crazy this week: I simply havent found the time.  I commit to doing it no later than this saturday.

In the meantime, I’d like to share three things with you, briefly:

(1) If you have a problem, let me help you

Just look at the SEEK MY HELP tab of this website, and give me the details of your problem.  I promise you, I will find some way to help you, even if it’s just by giving honest advice with a true heart.

(2) With respect: Filipinos are Crazy

Again, without giving too much information, I have a very close relationship with a number of filipinos, and I have to say, with love and respect, that they are CRAZY.

Look at the video to the right – champion pinoy boxer Manny Pacquiao in a new Superhero movie “Wapakman”.

Filipino people are festive, loving, honest, giving – but any culture that can generate something like Wapakman … well, maybe it’s our western influence to blame for corrupting them …

But it does remind me when a Pinay was helping me make my hero costume, and she said with total seriousness and not a hint of a joke, “We must make it sturdy for when you fly”.

(3) MixTapeShow.NET

If you like hip-hop, I urge you to check this out.

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{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Specialdeal December 4, 2009 at 5:42 am

Sup cap,

aren’t you worried about sharing personal details and clues in regards to revealing your secret identity?


Captain Australia December 4, 2009 at 6:01 am

Hello Citizen
Thank you for your concern, you raise an important point. I haven’t done anything important enough yet to earn me any enemies, but it is absolutely critical to me that I protect the people I care about.
I am very circumspect with regard to protecting my secret identity, I won’t share any facts that can specifically identify me. Sure, you could establish a broad profile, but that’s about all: let’s face it, there are 90M filipino in the World and they are a friendly, lovely people – so the fact that I have some filipino contacts doesnt exactly single me out.
But you do highlight an important point, and I thank you for it. I will be very careful.
Your friend,
Captain Australia


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