Captain Australia Attacked by Unknown Assailant!

by Captain Australia on February 12, 2010

Captain Australia’s Crime Fighting Journal, Entry#45

Important Update: my videographer (whose identity I will protect) is in direct dialogue with local police over his injury and assault.  The police officer involved has requested that all video be withdrawn from any public forum.

Tonight my videographer and I were physically assaulted during patrol in the Fortitude Valley, Brisbane.  We were both attacked from behind by a few cowardly assailants, thankfully neither of us are seriously injured, although my videographer sustained a moderate injury to his left knee from a blow with a blunt instrument.

The patrol lasted from around 7pm until sometime after midnight, ending with the assault against myself and my trusty videographer.  You can get the tone of the patrol in the two video sequences outlined below.

The video on the left is a confrontation with a couple of drunken buffoons.  You can see one of them tug at my costume, and I have to deal with him quite firmly.  The video on the right is of the later cowardly assault, where I was attacked from behind, and my videographer was also attacked (you can’t see it, but he was struck across the knee with a piece of wood or some kind of blunt object, sending him falling to the ground).  We haven’t alerted the police, but believe me, I will studying the videos we’ve taken and pursuing this further.

Above is a full video cobbling together sequences of footage taken during the patrol.  Throughout the evening, I was pretty constantly abused and insulted, and had to get quite firm with the various cowards and drunks who found it amusing to spew their empty hatred at me.

One example, a group of five young men keep parrotting “faggot” at me from behind.  I turn and confront them and they immediately stop and deny it.  I have some good friends who are gay, I have met some very fine people who are gay.  It’s only cowards like these guys, barren of any kind of self-respect and dignity, who are “faggots”.

Personally, I believe that the only way to fight darkness is to light a candle, but there is a fine line between reaching out to people, and being a door-mat.  When people abuse, disrespect and assault you – you have to respond with a kind of warm dominance: friendly but firmly demonstrate that you won’t take it.  I think that part of our overall social decline grows from the apathy and fear that prevents us from standing up against that kind of random aggression.

Anyway, I didnt catch the guys that attacked us.  They both fled in different directions, and while chasing the guy who hit me, I had to turn back because I could hear my videographer screaming out in pain.  I’m fine, but unfortunately his knee was quite badly hurt.

I feel terrible about it – I’m sorry that this post is so brief, I need to rest up and recover.  I will update you on my videographer’s status soon, and I will also explore this event in more detail later.

(Update saturday morning:  my videographer cannot move his leg, it’s swollen up quite seriously although nothing seems to be broken.  He will be seeking medical care this-morning, and will probably be off his feet for at least a couple of days)

And to the gutless thugs that assaulted us: hope that I never find you.

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{ 4 comments… read them below or add one }

Aaron February 12, 2010 at 2:02 pm

Have you ever considered joining a RLSH community like I think you’re doing a top notch job btw keep up the good work.


Captain Australia February 12, 2010 at 2:43 pm

Hello Citizen
Until recently, I wasn’t aware that communities like that existed.
I’ve taken a look, and I’m not convinced that aligning with any of these characters would help me in my Mission.
From what I can see (just as a general observation), they lack a seriousness and commitment and seem to get quite caught up with internal politics and the cosmetics of what they’re doing.
I’m concerned that reaching out might be a distraction, but I will seriously think about the suggestion.
I’m very grateful for your comment.
Your friend,
Captain Australia


Grodd February 15, 2010 at 7:55 pm

Superheroes don’t lie, Cap. Cut it out before people start to see how much of a manipulative loser you are.


Captain Australia February 15, 2010 at 10:46 pm

Although I don’t appreciate the attack on my credibility, I invite it by making my experiences public in the hopes that they will inspire people. Therefore I am honour-bound to address your comment: thank you for making it.
My helper and I were assaulted at 11:20pm Friday 12 February 2010. This happened, it is not a lie.
I removed the content from YouTube and my online journal at the request of my videographer, one of my primary helpers who assists me with filming, and internet technology. He was quite badly injured when we were attacked on friday, and on monday morning he decided (fruitlessly in my opinion) to pursue a police complaint.
The original video was never uploaded in the first case, due to quality problems (it was very dark). The video that I’ve removed is a re-enactment, I didnt see the point of pulling it down, but I had to honour the request. If you follow my online journal, you’ll find that I often have to re-enact footage that my videographer fails to collect, or has compromised quality.
I should have made this clearer: I apologise.
In fact, one sequence, the “stealth training” video, is in fact 85% re-enactment, because regrettably my helper forgot to turn the camera on for most of what was being filmed.
In any case, we did actually get some (limited & dark) footage of the actual assault, once things have blown over and I obtain permission from my videographer, I will upload it here for your scrutiny and hopefully verification of its authenticity.
I understand that if you are lied to enough, you perceive the entire world around you with distrust. And what more is society now than a thinly veiled web of lies and deceit, geared largely toward maintaining status quo while we quietly rape the environment and harvest as much loot from consumers as we can while we do it ? (note I say WE because we are all responsible for this).
I am not false & misleading, I am not a liar. I may not be competent at what I’m trying to do, but my hope is to inspire people. I hope you will give me the benefit of the doubt & the opportunity to prove you wrong.
Your friend,
Captain Australia


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