A Hero is about Justice. A Vigilante is about Revenge.

by Captain Australia on June 5, 2010

Captain Australia’s Crime Fighting Journal, Entry#66

superheroscaptausFirstly, a quick recap of my latest activity:

Do Good Deeds:  I’ve given a significant amount of time and energy into helping people who ask me for life coaching.  I’ve also been focussing on the homeless – in addition to hands on help, I’ve been trying to raise funds using this third party donations site – a registered charity that is completely safe, you can visit them by clicking here.

Fight Evil:   I have decided that crimes against children are the lowest form of evil, and these paedophiles and murderers will be my main Adversary.  I am going to focus on locating and confronting convicted paedophiles and child killers.  Yes, the Criminal Justice System has finished with them:  but I haven’t.  Statistically there is a 45% probability that they will re-offend, and even if I prevent that from happening once, I save an innocent and sacred life from being destroyed.  Learn more by clicking here.

Inspire Others:  I’m going to go on X-Factor.  Yeah.  I know.  The exposure will help me to reach a wider audience, and hopefully I would get a chance to articulate my Mission.  Also, its an act of Raw Courage, so I hope you will be inspired by my .. as the mexicans would say .. cojones.  I’ve also had an interview filmed where I tell more about my story and my motivations, learn more and watch by clicking here.  Finally, a citizen requested I tell more of my life story before putting on the mask .. if you follow this link it will take you to the final of 6 chapters, which includes links to each chapter before it.

Improve Self:  Weight is down by almost 20k, I’m easing off now and focussing my training regime back to more of a skills-focus.  I’m probably still about 5k above my peak fighting weight, which would be 82k, but considering when I realised I had a beer gut, I was sitting at 107k, I’ve done pretty well.  I honestly didnt realise I was fat until I saw the videos of myself .. it just slowly happened as I shifted from heavy martial arts training to teaching.  I’m also learning first aid, parkour street running, and am looking at starting a language – thinking of an asian language like chinese, vietnamese, thai.

Recently, I’ve had a few pieces of attention, and thought I’d take a moment to share them.

Captain Australia Ned KellyFirstly, you can read a persons criticism and views about what I do by clicking here, where an interesting person outlines their criticism of how I am going about my mission. He seems to suggest that it is necessary for me to become criminal to achieve my goals. (I tend to disagree – I do like his style though – some of the images on this post are an example of his talent).

I honestly can’t argue the point – for example, when I think about paedophiles and child killers, there is a weak, dark part of me that is more passionate about taking revenge for the children, rather than finding Justice for them and their families.

But that’s the difference between a Hero and a Vigilante.  A fine line.

Finally, this lovely young sketch from a little boy in Sydney, who writes me often and is apparently a major fan.  Apparently I don’t have a ‘batcave’, but set out in the Captain-Australia-Mobile from an ordinary suburban home:

Captain Australia Fan Sketch

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Richard June 5, 2010 at 5:47 am

The boy from Sydney is handy with a pencil. Keep up the good work captain!


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