When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.

by Captain Australia on March 5, 2010

Captain Australia’s Crime Fighting Journal, Entry#49

Today I met my friend and videographer, who is still somewhat tender in his leg where he was struck a couple of weeks ago.  Regrettably, he wont be able to assist with filming a patrol this weekend.

Which then prompts me to ask myself:  should I worry about being filmed, and just go out on patrol anyway ?

There are four primary reasons for collecting video of my experiences:

1) to capture evidence in the event that I encounter criminal activity in any form

2) to share my experiences with you, in the hope that they will inspire you to take personal responsibility for making the world a better place

3) for legitimacy – so that you can see & verify that my experiences are true and real, that I’m not just some random internet crackpot making everything up

4) to watch my back – to be an additional set of eyes to alert me to signs of trouble

Maybe I should just go out tonight.  Forget filming, forget public outreach, forget trying to touch and inspire people – but go out and really patrol.  Lurk in the shadows, watching the people of the city, looking for people who need help, or intervening when I see a problem.

I can almost guarantee that somewhere tonight there’ll be an assault.  A girl walking home drunk after spending her cab-fare on wine will be attacked.  Two friends will have a drunken disagreement and it will degenerate into a fistfight.  A small gang of teenagers will stop a young couple walking down an alleyway and demand their money.

I could intervene in all those situations, I could make a difference.

I think tonight, I will go out and watch the city.


Tomorrow I’ll come here and journal my experiences – in the meantime, below is a video of me asking for your help.  I am on a Quest to save the world, and you can help me in a number of ways:

1) tell your friends about me, do anything you can to spread my message, to expand awareness of my mission – give me a voice, in the hopes that I can inspire people

2) if you have problems, or know of someone with problems: tell me about them.  I promise to consider all serious issues, and maybe my unique set of skills and experiences can help find a solution.  It may involve meeting face to face, or it may just involve advice:  but let me help you  (just mail: helpme@captainaustralia.net)

3) Watch the video below.  If you know of evil, have any ideas of how I could make the world a better place, contact me.  Report any crimes, or even cases where you know that the criminal justice system has failed, or doesnt care.  It could be a neighbour dispute you’re aware of, a gang of thugs .. anything.  Just let me know.  (mail: reportacrime@captainaustralia.net)

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