“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”. Harold R. McAlindon

by Captain Australia on October 16, 2009

Captain Australia’s Crime Fighting Journal, Entry #21

Running Left

Captain Australia Theme Song

Initially, this post is just a place-holder for my update after todays’ crime patrol.  My intent today is two-fold.  Firstly, I will do some on-patrol-training, as I’ve been overseas all week and have not been able to train my body.  I think parkour street running is a good choice, to temper core strength, agility, endurance.  Secondly, I’ve been reading on Brisbane crime areas, and there is a major shopping mall where thievery has been on the increase.  I think today I might patrol there in the hopes of catching shoplifters.

I know this seems to be aiming low, but I think it will be very public, and therefore increase the chance of inspiring .. and its got a reasonably good chance that I’ll encounter crime.  (I’d appreciate any input on crimes that you become aware of to help me with future decisions).

Saturday update:  my Aikido master friend came around thisafternoon for a training session, and unfortunately in a spirited exchange I injured him, and we had to go to the emergency room, concerned that I had broken his shoulder.  Luckily, after x-rays we found it was just a sprain, and he is now at home, recovering.  (He requested that I don’t upload the film, I will honour his preference).

Regrettably, this disrupted my planned patrol, which will be deferred until Monday 19th October.

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